Monday, November 26, 2012

#22 - thanksgiving

 What i did over break , on wensday i just hung out at the block in orange with my friend miriam we went job hunting, also we bought things i bought alot of bows and some hair accesserics. That was fun i got really tired that day. Then on thursday my family was having a dinner for thanks giving at my aunts house , i ate so much that day. There was turkey , tamales , and some water my aunt made , jello, cheesecake, and pumpkin pie.

Friday, November 16, 2012


21 bucket list

1. Fall in some kind of love
2. Design for my own clothing line
3. Become a professional Mac Cosmetics makeup artist
4. Have pink or purple hair
5. Be completely tatted
6. Sky drive
7. Own a house in Hawaii
8. Get married
9. Have kids
10. Be able to provide for my kids

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Free choice #20

 One thing i really want in this world is , to own a large collection of movies. All of Johnny Depp's movies from his first act in Night Mare on elm street  to his most recent movie.
Because i love watching movies, i love scary movies, action movies, comedy and rarely any romantic movies. When its really cold out and Im to lazy to go out then i just stay home and watch all kinds movies. Also i've watched a lot of movies i love old school movies like from thee 1980's. I love live time movies, there so good well some. I like cartoon movies to well some. I just love movies. Movies and a blanket with a lot of junk food sounds like heaven for me.